
Go Bulls!  I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to be part of such a wonderful team of people as we work on our doctoral degrees. During our kickoff, Dr. Hernandez stated, “what you will notice as you work in this program is that the person next to you is as motivated as you,” I couldn’t agree more.  I believe that the work we will do in the next five years will change the face of CTE education.

I am currently working as a curriculum developer which I enjoy; it is essentially the same thing as a program developer without the marketing aspects.  My passion is teacher development, seeing the teachers reach their potential and be excited about work is what I strive for every day.  I truly believe that learning is the key to happiness.  Great teachers can guide us to reaching that elusive goal of “life long learner.”

I come from the world of work.  I know that CWE can make a huge impact on pedagogical methods.  I hope that I have the opportunity to shape the policy to impact these methods of instruction and assessment.

I like to fish and ride motorcycles; I recommend “Shop Class as Soulcraft” by Mathew B. Crawford as light reading.

Always consider the source!